Archived Work (2011 - 2021) > The Modern Dog (2011-2021)

“The animal looks at us and we are naked before it. Thinking perhaps starts here.”
-Jacques Derrida

Is there a point where animal ends and human begins? Western philosophy suggests that the being known as “Animal” is forever positioned on the complete opposite side of the divide; a divide that reassures “Man” as superior. But, is that divide permeable? I would say yes. Nonhuman animals, especially those species that interact with us transcend that divide on a daily basis. Not human yet not animal, these species occupy a new type of existence. They are instead referred to as “Other”.

In my art, I explore the concept of the “Animal Other” as well as my relationship with them. Animals are not just beings of beauty and awe, but rather rich, complex, knowing individuals. As an artist, I feel compelled to reconstruct the human, nonhuman animal relationship as well explore our experiences with those of other species in order to examine the deep symbiotic relationship between all living creatures.

Watercolor, Colored Pencils and Ink on Paper
55" x 50"
Wait for Me Here
Watercolor, Colored Pencils and Ink on Paper
65" x 39"
I Have Something to Tell You
Watercolor, Colored Pencils and Ink on Paper
45" x 35"
I'm Looking Out for Us
Watercolor, Colored Pencils and Ink on Paper
65" x 30"
My Father's Healer
Watercolor, Colored Pencils, Ink and Gold Leaf on Paper
40" x 30"
The Spiritual Dog
Watercolor, Colored Pencils and Ink on Paper
45" x 40"
Watercolor, Colored Pencils and Ink on Paper
40" x 30"
Dealing With Loss
Watercolor, Colored Pencils and Ink on Paper
40" x 28"
Watercolor, Colored Pencils and Ink on Paper